Springtime Lockdown 

My daughter reminded me that it’s a bank holiday on the 8th May to mark the 75th anniversary of VE day.  I said everyday feels like a bank holiday at the moment all except for the high level of anticipation and low level of traffic on the roads during this crisis. 

I have been taking advantage of the lovely weather that we have been given.  Staying away from people, by exploring the countryside and discovering new footpaths, feels like a strange thing to do but will become normal in time. I’ve possibly been trespassing when paths start like motorways and fizzle out into the odd footprint on the grass meaning I’ve had to skulk along walls and tree lines hoping to not get caught by the farmer.  I try to walk four miles a day to become less fixated on mealtimes and visits to the fridge; However, I am saving playgroup by eating my own body weight in crisps, with the excuse of collecting the packets! 

My bike has been dug out from the back of the shed and I have started to enjoy riding it, especially now the roads are empty. People I ride past have waved and said hello, which is a relief as some of the media suggests people resent cyclist passing by. Don’t believe all you read our lovely neighbours are even more happy to see people passing by at present. 

The garden is now looking tidy, which is a good job as someone in the village was filming the lock down with a drone.  My family went outside so we could all lie on the lawn to wave as it went past.  

My teenage daughters don’t get up very early, so mornings are my time, I like to get up so I can do some Iyengar yoga; This has introduced me to Zoom where I can join in with my usual yoga class members.  Yoga is very good for my body, as it gets rid of all the aches and pains that creep in whilst I’m in bed. Its amazing how much better you feel when you have done a headstand! After yoga I try to get my 14-year-old to do a Joe Wicks work out, we do it together, then I’ll have ago at Just Dance on the Wii with my 16-year-old. After this I need a lie down! Oh no, mustn’t forget the trampoline! Now I can lie down. 

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Thursday nights I bang my pan in the street with a wooden spoon for the NHS. They are doing a fantastic job. 

On Friday nights my husband and I have been volunteering to deliver cost price fish and chips around our village from the local pub to people who want a change from cooking. Its free to NHS workers. It makes a nice change to see people in the village, they seem pleased to see me but that may be the Fish and Chips I’m holding. 

My 16-year-old daughter has become a vegetarian, so we have been trying out some new recipes. The Lasagne was an experience. It took her 5 hours to make and was ready at 10pmWe were starving! – well worth the wait though! I made some red pepper hummus yesterday, can’t tell you how nice it was, much better than shop bought. 

My shopping trips have become a lot slicker as I like to swoop in, grab what’s needed and run out. It’s like Supermarket Sweep! I bring it home and have the troops ready with hot soapy water to wipe, wash and put it all away, whilst I have a cup of tea. 

The Forest school is looking glorious at the moment with a carpet of bluebells, I am missing our sessions with the children and I am looking forward to the end of the lockdown. 

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Stay safe, 


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